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SUBJECT #1: Largest Legal Tiny Home on the Planet

SUBJECT #2: 2.5X the space - largest legal tiny house 

My friend Alosha from Bio-Veda Academy just released a new Bio Architectural product - a Construction Drawing Set for an Owner Built Home! It needs NO registrations from the building authorities because it classifies as a "shed" 

Alosha used his design skills to hack the structure,  developing a spacious  whilst staying legal within the building codes.


It has 500 sq ft of usable space whilst standing on a 200 Sq ft slab… This is how


  1. The roof bulges out and stands 23 foot high, which is within the limits of most states.

  2. This larger bulged out roof gives us an additional 200 sq ft Flexi Net on the second floor and this net DOES NOT classify as usable space and thus does not count as such by the building inspector.

  3. The top 3rd floor which can be used as a bedroom is only 5 ft high and classifies as an attic gifting you square footage that is also NOT counted as such

Alosha from Bio-Veda Academy is including an explanatory video and is welcoming to his signature Alumni group  where you can ask anything that’s unclear.

If you purchase the blueprint before the end of the month mentioning ************, then you can get the entire 10 page set, in high Resolution, for only  100 USD with an additional page the describes how to build a Rocket Stove with a custom couch and fresh geothermally preheated air, whilst giving you a warm floor without any plumbing or air pipes.  

Short Text 

My friend Alosha, who is a natural builder and a Bio-Architect, just developed a largest legal tiny house on the planet, with 550 sq ft of legal usable space and only 23 ft tall,  this tiny giant clarifies as a shed, and this is how:


The use of a strong tight, net half way up allows us to gain additional 200 sq ft whilst not being classified as such and 5ft high attic gifts us an additional 175 sq ft, the same as the ground floor.


The blueprint comes with 12 detailed, A2 sheets, on how to build the entire home from ground up, including photos from actual build. It also includes water storage and row by row instructions for a hyper adobe rocket stove  with a warm couch.

The price of the blueprint is currently 100 USD and from 1st of Feb it will double. 


May you build yourself a fast and easy dream home, just like Alosha did, in cold climate, just in 1 building season 




SUBJECT #1: How to bypass Building Codes with a permanent 500 sq.ft. home

SUBJECT #2: Learn to build 2X types of Vault Homes 

SUBJECT #3: Build a 333-Ft2 Hobbit Home...For ONLY $1K !?


Learn the basics of Bio-Architectural 2D > 3D drafting skills followed by detailed hands-on construction instructions on building 2X types of Vaults  [ insert link: ] 


  1. A Stealth Hobbitter which is a buried by earth, Roman Arch, that is totally stealth and unseen by satellites. With a total cost of  1-2 K on all the materials

  2. Gothic Arch Vault placed on curvilinear hyper adobe foundation including a masonry stove & sculpted bath

Alosha from Bio-Veda Academy designs Passive, Integrated Living Bio Shelter Habitats, that are inspired by nature. He teaches DIY natural building methods that are easily replicable by anyone who is willing to put in the time.


In his new Duo Of DIY Vaults video course you’ll learn how to draft a vaulted home using compass & a ruler and then he will do an intro 3D modelling lesson on how to redraw this same sketch in Rhino CAD.


By having these basic architectural skills, you'll be able to make the necessary changes to suit the available materials at hand, your budget constraints and even accommodate your building code restrictions. 


Even if you absolutely have no money or you don't want to climb into debt, you'll resonate with Alosha as he focuses on using natural as well as low cost  UPcycled materials.

Bio-Veda's new  step-by-step training guarantees that you will be able to build you own arched home.

It includes LIVE ZOOM calls as well as a chat room, where you will be able to ask any questions.


Check out the Draft & Construct a Duo of DIY Vaults  [ insert link: ] info page 




Subject line or  headings


  • A simple $5K Vaulted home you'll Learn to ✍️🖱️

  • Learn to design your DIY solar passive home

  • Learn to draw a self cooling & heating home on graph paper & 3D CAD

  • What is a 2D > 3D Drafting/Drawing Class?

  • Learn to draw your own blueprint on Graph & CAD

  • Forget an architect - learn to design your  DIY home

  • Drafting 2D > 3D course to breeze through ur DIY home build


Text about this course  (July 2023)


How would you like to learn to draft your own set of drawings that'll assist you to breeze through your DIY debt free home build?


In Bio-Veda's Bio-Architecture 2D to 3D Drafting Class [ ] you will learn natural building thinking, design and drafting skills necessary to build your own affordable eco home without an architect or an engineer.


At the end of the course you will be able to draw up a professional set of blueprints, with all the necessary dimensions and details, that can be submitted to the building authorities and use these drawings at your own construction site.

There are 3 parts to this hands-on training: 

THEORY: During the entire 12 week guided course we will relate to real life scenarios based on 15 years of hands-on experience from a master builder Alosha. He'll cover the principles of biological eco home design, biomimicry, strength through catenary geometry as well as the basics of thermodynamics.

2D PENCIL:  You'll learn to draft a Solar Passive Earthship Hybrid  using graph paper, compass and a ruler to develop a top view (plan),  side view (elevations), front view as well as a few slices through the home. This will assist us to visualise the home, before proceeding into CAD 

3D CAD:  You'll model what you drew on paper in an intuitive Rhino 3D (3 month licence is available). You'll master drawing the foundations, tire and earthbag wall, wetlands with plants, glazing with frames, cylinder with tapered bricks, aircrete dome (with bricks), vaulted roof, spiral shower as well as an earthen berm.

To get you started there is a beginners module where you will learn to draw on paper and CAD an "A" frame vault, that Alosha is currently building as his family home. He'll debrief you with the do's and don't of the design process and how your design decisions affect the real life scenario. 

Being able to visualise a home from all angles is a sure way to manifest it in reality.

Join the Bio-Architecture 2D to 3D Drafting Class [ ]  before the end of July and receive Bio-Veda's Dome [ ] OR Water class [ ] at NO COST. Just quote [ AFFILIATE NAME ]


Super short blurb

Alosha Lynov is a permie inventor and natural builder at the Bio-Veda Institute of Arcology, who R&D's  BioMimicry inspired living bio shelters. Check out his latest Bio-Architecture drawing class, where you'll learn how to draw and design a DIY solar passive eco home that you will be able to afford to build. Starting from concept > graph paper blueprint > all the way 3D CAD model that can be printed and presented to building authorities.

There are 3 parts to the course: 

  1. Theory such as principles of Biotecture, distance between openings, size of windows, properties of materials etc.

  2. Learning to draw top, side and front view with pencil and a ruler

  3. Redrawing the paper sketches in a powerful 3D program. It comes with a 3 month trial


Longer emailable text for drawing course #2:  

A friend of mine is passionate about the development  a permaculture Off-Grid Living Bio Shelter that biomimics nature’s form and operates on laws of physics and natural phenomena.

He is facilitating a 12 week Zoom guided  training in which you will learn how to conceptualise, design and draw a self-heating, solar passive Earthship hybrid for Subzero t° and most erratic weather conditions. He will also share modifications that need to be made to obtain a comfortable temperature for your specific climatic condition.


Every week he'll send you 2 pre-recorded tutorials and each Saturday, for the duration of 12 weeks, he will do a live support session to get you through anything that you are stuck.


You will learn how to draw an earthship hybrid on graph paper using pencil, compass and a ruler. Then you will learn to model the this same design in a professional and intuitive 3D software. At the end of the course you will be able to draw up a professional set of blueprints that can be used on a construction site and that will be required by any building authorities.


Alosha's course is made up of 3 parts: 


  • theory on principles of biological eco home design - where he shares how and why he got to this particular home design

  • drawing a home on graph paper - loads of practical wisdom will be covered here from 15 years of natural building experience. Alosha covers construction style from super adobe, wooden rafters, bricks, tyres and bottles  

  • modelling the same home in 3D software - you will be guided and assisted every saturday for 12 weeks , and if you still did not understand Rhino, provided you practice you can join any of Alosha's future drawing classes until you get it !!!


Check out his course info page: and remember to use my name at the payment check out as we are assisting to promote each other's work.


Wautillarium Living Bio Shelter


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My friend Alësha shared a kickass lesson on how to bend robust arches, without any glue. These same arches are rated at 10000 Kg per sq metre and have supported a wooden hobbit vault loaded with earth, turf and snow.




This lesson is taken from Bio-Veda's larger Wautillarium Bio-Architecture training; which is a step-by-step video course that delves into tremendous details on all the bits and bobs of HOW-TO construct a lo-tech & low cost, food producing Earthship Bio Shelter that emulates the models, systems, elements and geometry of nature to achieve year-round comfortable t° as well as the robustness for seismic activity.


To passively cool and heat itself Wautillarium uses the laws of physics, mean temperature of the earth as well as compost producing thermophilic bacteria. 

The entire 333 FT2 home cost him 1000 bucks for all the materials incl. the glass facade and chimney flues... and his friends just overwintered in it, with temperatures reaching -58 Fahrenheit !!!


Alësha fuses his training with a consciousness integration to psychologically prepare students on how they can get start and complete a debt free shelter on the barren land, from scratch.


hyperlink to insert above >>>


Subject line or  heading: 


Learn to build a 333-Ft2 Hobbit Home...For ONLY $1K!?

Text for Wautillarium course:


After 13 years of R&D mixed with loads of hands-on construction Alosha from Academy of Bio-Architecture started the Wautillarium video trainingWautillarium is an innovative eco home, inspired by & in alignment with nature, that threads lightly on the Earth and your budget.


Emulating the models, systems, and elements of nature, Wautillarium Living Bio Shelter is developed to achieve year-round comfortable t°, using laws of physics, mean t° of the earth as well as compost producing thermophilic bacteria to passively cool and heat itself in the Sub Zero as well as hot climates.


Inspired by nature's geometry, Wautillarium is able to achieve superior compressive strength, by using  10x less materials.


Alosha synthesised the greatest minds of the planet in the fields of water ecosystem design, living machines, simple to build vaulted roofs and eco-construction; to engineer a fully autonomous lo-tech buriable solar passive home that is elegant and stealth. 


In his interactive video training you'll learn  how to build this Earthship Hybrid with your own hands and your available local materials. Their weekly ZOOM Q&A calls provide the necessary support where you'll share your assignments and eco-tech research with other members of Bio-Veda tribe.

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