I heard your calls, and your cries about strict building codes. I used my design skills to develop a tiny home that is Spacious.
It legally has 500 sq ft of usable space whilst standing on a 200 Sq ft slab… This is how
The roof bulges out and stands 23 foot high, which is within the limits of most states.
This larger bulged out roof gives us an additional 200 sq ft Flexi net on the second floor and this net DOES NOT classify as usable space and thus does not count as such by the building inspector.
The 3rd floor which can be used as a bedroom is only 5 ft high and classifies as an attic gifting us free square footage.
I also included a rocket stove with a clever fresh air intake that’s geothermally preheated in winter time, whilst giving you a warm floor without any plumbing or air pipes.
I look forward to be sharing this detailed Gothic Arch Blueprint with an explanatory video and having you on board in our social media group where you can ask anything that’s unclear.
May you build yourself a spacious tiny home, in 2024, that’s under the building code radar. I’ve build mine last year and currently overwintering in it, in subzero temperatures, with over 200 flowers.
Purchasing my set of DIY PLANS has a few benefits:
I sponsor all my builds I always think of the cheapest way to build, I.e. cost factor is paramount
I've been building the homes (especially in the last 4 years) with my own hands I always think of the easiest way to get the job done
I am currently building in the cold climate, rapid short term builds, that can be done in one summer is priority.
I love sacred geometry and am inspired by biomimicry I always think of aesthetics
I am inspired by Antoni Gaudi and I integrate as much practical curvitecture as possible
I live in the structures I design I always think of comfort and safety,

12x page Gothic Arch DIY Blueprint is selling for $150

Here are some common questions that I have been asked by our subscribers.
Q: How will this home bypass the building codes?
A: 24 foot high roof that is within the limits of most states in the US
The second floor gives us an additional 200 sq ft by use of flexi net which can be made into a comfy working / play space with just a few bean bags. This net DOES NOT classify as countable floor space, thus it’s on the house.
The top 3rd floor which can be used as a bedroom is only 5 ft high and classifies as an attic gifting us an additional 170 sq ft of free square footage.
Q: Can the middle floor be replaced by a conventional floor instead of a net?
A: Yes it can and will even add more stability to the arched structure. I would then recommend to remove the attic all together or to reduce its height so that 2nd floor can gain in height. The design will change slightly, as the home will no longer need to be so tall and conventional 18 foot/ 6 timber pieces an be used for the arches which will make the construction of the beams much simpler. I will provide a front view with new sizes based on the two floor set up
Q: Can this home be registered as a conventional home? In my country we have even tighter restrictions than 25 foot height and 200 sq ft of floor space?
A: Yes the home can be registered, you will then need to get an approval from a local engineer and an architect. There is also no need to go for such a small floor size of 14x14 feet or 4.25 x 4.25 metres, or making the home 24 feet / 7.3 m tall. A good starting size for a good sized home that is cost effective is 6 metres wide 6 deep and 7 high ( If you build a 1.2 m stem wall) due to the standard timber size of 18 ft or 6 m
Q: Can I make my home longer in depth?
A: Yes of course you can, Vault does not loose it’s strength based on the length as each arch beam is self supporting. Please keep in mind that standard timber length is 18 foot or 6 metres, thus this is the most economical and fastest size to build. So you have the least amount of wastage.
Q: What are the current inside dimensions floor sizes?
Downstairs actual floor is 13x13 / 3.9x3.9 metres. The height is 7.2 feet or 2.37 m.
Middle floor width is14.5 x13 feet or 4.8 by 3.9 m with a height of 6.2 feet or 1.9 metres.
Top Floor (Attic) is the same width and depth as the bottom floor with a maximum height of 5 feet or 1.5 metres
Q: What about heating such home?
A: I am currently overwintering in exactly the same Gothic arch which I build in one season in 2023 for under 10K. I have a glass facade on the southern and northern side and to warm the space I’ve utilised a rocket stove with a super adobe couch. It has an underground fresh air intake that’s geothermally preheated in winter time, whilst giving you a warm floor without any plumbing or air pipes. Design and row by row instructions will be provided for you as well on a separate blueprint sheet.
Q: Can the home be dismantled and moved to a new location?
A: Yes if you connect everything with screws, instead of nails.. The largest pieces that will need to be transported are the 18 foot / 6 m long half arched beams.
Q: What about electrical?
A: Once again there are hacks we can use to keep the home without registering such as a tool box with batteries, mini inverter with plugs and charging units as well as lights on extensions. If you are registering a home, wiring into Hyperadobe wall is extremely easy and fireproof. We have done so in all our domes.