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Dear friends, we kindly ask you to not fill in the below form unless you have the necessary skills to thrive on the land as well as finances for the construction of your self-heating home. Thank you for understanding.



Q: What has changed with the recent situation with N A T 0 and Ukraine

A: most Russian consulates from all "unfriendly" (N-A-T-0 supporting countries) have been kicked out so no one can hand out the visas. You will need to travel to a Russia "friendly" country (who are not sending weapons against us  or sanctioning Russia) and then get a visa from there. Once you know that you definitely can get a visa, then we can schedule a call to see if there is alignment and how we can accommodate you.

Q: what grows wild around you?

A: We have an incredible abundance of 3 types of berries and 7+ types of edible mushrooms as well as linden (tea). Ivan tea (fireweed) and sorrel grow wild and there are herbs that are fragrant and rich in oil, for the production of perfume.

Vaccinium myrtillus or European blueberry is a holarctic species of shrub with edible fruit of blue color, known by the common names bilberry, blaeberry, wimberry, and whortleberry. 

Vaccinium vitis-idaea, the lingonberry, partridgeberry, mountain cranberry or cowberry, is a small evergreen shrub in the heath family Ericaceae, that bears edible fruit. It is native to boreal forest and Arctic tundra throughout the Northern Hemisphere, from Europe and Asia to North America. 


Also known as Marsh berries, Crane berries, and Bog cranberries, Siberian Swamp cranberries are an ancient, wild cultivar that grows in cold, swamp-like forest regions across the Northern Hemisphere. Siberian Swamp cranberries have a tart, acidic, and sour flavor that is highly valued as a medicinal beverage.

Q: How can I get permission to stay for a long time? How do I get my permanent residency?

A: Some countries already have a VISA-FREE  90 out of 180 days stay. Please check the rules between your country and Russia entries.

The Russian government will have a law in 2022 that will allow overseas investors to get permanent residence in leu for having 135000 USD in the bank account and 30 days after permanent residence to start up a business that employs 10 people. We would assist to run a business operation if it is aligned with our values and visions such as some ideas above.

Another way is to purchase property worth 200.000 USD. This can include investing in our wautillarium home and buying a flat for example in the highly lucrative and cultural town of Pushkinskiye Gory. (In Pushkinskiye Gory flats are rented ONLY day by day basis and the demand is high as most Intellectual people from St Pietersburg love relaxing in this beautiful nature reserve). 

Anyone who wanted to live in Russia, got their residency

Q: How is the water quality?

A: We have really great quality of underground water. There are no industries in the area. 

Q: Is dual citizenship possible?

A: yes it is

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