Bio-Veda Academy of BioArchitecture is a R&D Edu Lab that Innovates develops and teaches the hands-on construction of a fully autonomous, owner built, self heating & self cooling Biomes
Our Biomimetic Living Bio Shelters are fully buriable due to strength that comes from correct catenary geometry within the outer shell as well as the materials that we use.
Bio-Veda merges laws of physics, BioGeometry, living water eco machines, thermophilic and light producing bacteria, 3D printing, ancient tried-and-tested tech as well as the natural phenomena and playful comforting design; into an Interactive Living Bio Shelter Organism that comforts and nurtures its inhabitants.
explore our products (sample lessons - click here)
Life-supporting Off-The-Water-Grid
Air-Crete & Super-Adobe Dome Home
“All good inventions are inspired by nature. Any natural form of a living organism is designed to suit the function that this organism (our home) has to perform. A successful design of any organism must be able to fuse the laws of physics, natural phenomena, correct materials and geometry to survive in its habitat, and the function It has to provide to comfort and nurture the inhabitant.