In our step-by-step online permaculture in action video class, you'll learn simple DIY projects that make up your own life-supporting off-the-water-grid ecosystem for your city or countryside home
In our online video course, you'll learn how to build your own life-supporting off-the-water-grid ecosystem, that harvests, stores and filters rain, pressurizes this water to all your taps. All the grey and black water are UPcycled for garden irrigation and flushing of toilets.
Having your own abundant source of portable water is paramount to your sovereignty.
Skill up with Bio-Veda's DIY Water Self Sufficiency online video class
Mike Reynolds from Earthship academy wisely stated that water supply is affected by war, political disputes, economic crisis, drought and now even the pandemic. Water availability is linked to way too many factors that are completely out of our control.
Healthy living water for our bodies and for the growing of our food is a sure way to build a healthy immune system.
Learn from the comfort of your home how to:
Harvest rain and snow from road, pavements, roof and in the ground
Build beautiful and discreet water reservoirs that will enhance any landscape
Construct a low-cost biochar filter that turns city rain into living spring water
Learn to build an Earthship Water Organizing Module designed by Mike Reynolds
Build biological botanical wetlands which reuse all the wastewater 7X over
Transform a chlorine pool into a healthy eco pond for swimming & water back up
Design and implement terraces & earthworks that makeup water-wise food forests

Learn build an alternative low cost gutter systems + simple permaculture earthworks that impregnate and store water in the ground. You will also learn how to build a simple leaf and dust catcher which filters roof water

Learn to construct 3 types of water tanks: Ferro Cement 6000L + Sandbag 16000L + underground 40000L water reservoir underneath a dome home + build constructed wetland to transform chlorine pool into an eco pond.
NEW W.O.M - Learn how to build an Earthship Water Organizing Module

Learn to build a Slow Sand Biochar filter which will treat 300 Litres of city rain or borehole water ,per day, and turn it into to pristine spring quality. You will also learn how to remove Iron from borehole water and pretreat and remove nutrients from funky harvested water prior to Bio Char filtration.

Learn to create 3 types of constructed wetlands which will take care of all your waste water. We will install a biogas digester which will make flammable methane from sewerage and build a wetland to turn poo into clean irrigation
Here's how the Abundance of Water course is structured
Detailed theory
Before every module you will learn a little theory prior the practical application. This will assist you to think for yourself should you want to make any changes to your DIY eco system.

Intro and class room theory: roof gutters, leaf catcher, first flush, pavement catchment & road catchment
NEW LESSON Building of the tower with a gravity shower under and
plumbing a water tank
Mistakes & improvements
Hard Surface

Harvesting water in the ground - Earthworks
Eight principles of successful water harvesting
Different types of earthworks: berm & basin, swales and terraces
Mistakes and Improvements

Sandbag water reservoir
Construction of sand bags with a floor slab and sump
Construction of ferro cement supportive wall
Plastering & water proofing
Underground reservoir with usable flooring above
Excavation and construction of walls
Construction of concrete beam & ferro cement dome roof
Air crete filler for flooring

Ferro Cement reservoir
Foundation preparation, wiring the mesh & ply wood tying
Dome roof construction
Plumbing, plastering & water proofing

Transforming a standard pool into a biological storage
We will construct 2 types of perfected pool wetlands
Excavation for wetland liner installation
Planting and sourcing aquatic plants from local eco systems
Testing & Maintenance + detailed mistakes & improvements

Bio char slow sand filter
Pre treatment of very dirty or iron rich water water
Making bio char and making of biochar gassier oven
Sifting and cleaning stone, sand & biochar
Ball valve installation
Preparation and setting up of the drums and plumbing
Testing the flow & maintenance & mistakes and improvements
Click here to view the test results from our Bio Char filtered city rain

Water Organising Module - pressurized water
Municipal bypass valve installation into your city home
Plumbing of Biochar Slow Sand Filter to the pump
NEW LESSON Construction Water organising module
NEW LESSON Launching and troubleshooting of W.O.M.
Mistakes and improvements

Creating a constructed wetland
Container, rock entrance + plumbing of the system
Filling the container with the correct aggregate - NO SMELL
Aquatic planting, where to source then and how to plant them
Irrigation with treated grey water and toilet flushing
Siphoning pump & other tech for low lying outlets

Treating sewage whilst making methane
Creation of a sewerage treating constructed wetland
Installation of already made biogas digester
Plumbing of sewage
Outlet tank & safely irrigating with treated sewage
How to build a sexy composting toilet
Mistakes & improvements

Upcycling - Kitchen and Laundry
Building a simple grease trap for passive flow into the garden
Trench & earthworks, filling the trench with correct medium
Maintenance of the grease trap

Alosha's latest invention an off-the-grid trailer
learn how to arrange all of the water eco tech puzzles to create an off the water grid trailer biome. (all sketches will be shared in a video lesson)
Harvest water with a stretch tarp (tested amazingly back in 2012
store it in 250 Gal IBC tank
2 part composting toilet using 250 Ga IBC tank
Slow sand bio char filter to treat all harvested rain water
grey and kitchen water recycling
loads of micro green trays.
trailer is encapsulated as a green house with shower facilities

Construction of your own food growing machine
Sourcing of the drum and container preparation
Cutting the drum up and extruding planter pockets with a gas torch
Plumbing of your irrigation system for the food grower
Creating a worm tower & installing it into the food growing machine
Setting up a automatic gravity flow earthworm tea extractor
Planting the plants and the right choices for east, west, north & south
Creating a micro green & nursery station for the shade side

Learn the following start to finish these DIY WATER SELF SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS
rainwater harvesting - from roof + road + pavement + soil
3 DIY water storage tanks including an underground bunker
construction of eco pool which you can drink and irrigate from
biochar slow sand drinking water filtration using recycled materials
Water Organizing Module that pressurises your harvested water
kitchen water recycling with a grease trap -> direct to garden
bath and shower wastewater recycling with a constructed wetland
$150 for our full online video training