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a self-study online video course which will assist you to create water Self Sufficiency in micro spaces, in the shortest time possible; through a variety of low tech DIY & affordable projects.


Our Abundance of Water Master Class is easy to follow self-study online training that will teach you through detailed  step-by-step video tutorials how to practically create full water self Sufficiency,in any environment, in the shortest time possible; through a variety of low tech DIY & affordable projects

Abundance of Water Master Class will assist you to:
  • To harvests rain from roof, pavement and in the ground using permaculture earthworks 

  • To stores rain discretely in visually appealing low cost DIY reservoirs and transform you chlorine pool

  • Filters city rain and bore hole water with a DIY Bio Char Slow Sand filter at a rate of 300 Litres per day 

  • To pressurises harvested filtered water to all your taps through a vortex imploding pipe = Living Water

  • To REcycle and of you grey and black waste water and reuse it 7x over around your garden and home


build an alternative low cost gutter systems + simple permaculture earthworks that impregnate and store water in the ground. You will also learn how to build a simple leaf and dust catcher


build 3 types of water tanks: Ferro Cement 6000L + Sandbag 16000L + underground 40000L water reservoir underneath a dome home + build constructed wetland to transform chlorine pool into an eco pond


Learn to build a Slow Sand Biochar filter which will treat 300 Litres of city rain or borehole water ,per day, and turn it into to pristine spring quality. You will also learn how to remove Iron from borehole water and pretreat and remove nutrients from funky harvested water prior to Bio Char filtration.


create 3 types of constructed wetlands which will take care of all your waste water. We will install a biogas digester which will make flammable methane from sewerage and build a wetland to turn poo into clean irrigation 


You will learn how to build a food growing machine which grows over 100 vegetables, flowers or herbs as well as 15 trays of micro greens, in a tiny space, even on your balcony. Powered by worm tower which utilises kitchen waste and it can be irrigated with your grey water.

About your trainer

Alosha is  a visionary leader designer, inventor, master geometer and water wizard. 

He has converted his suburban home into a self sustaining and self regenerative living organisms that is completely off the water and electrical grid without tapping into any ancient borehole water.

He has completed his degree in Creative Brand Communications at Vega and has attended over 10 international workshops on self sustainability with the following experts.


Geoff Lawton - Alosha received his permaculture design certificate through his school

Mike Reynolds - Alosha studied EarthShip Biotecture with Mike and constructed wetlands and botanical cells which have been perfected for over 45 years. 
Josh Kearns - Alosha learnt Bio-Char filtration in Thailand from Aqueous Solutions.
John Todd - has taught Alosha the basics of ecological design , biomimicry and construction of eco living machines.

Thomas Linders - Alosha studied from Linders. Thomas has been constructing wetlands for over 20 years.

Spending 3 years on a farm he experimented with low cost dome shelters , food growing Machines , earthworks, wetland constructions  and holistic ecological design.

Up cycling
Food Machine
Here's how the Abundance of Water course Is structured
Detailed theory
  • Before every module you will learn extensive theory prior the practical application. This will assist you to think for yourself should you want to make any changes to your DIY eco system.

  • Intro and class room theory: roof gutters, leaf catcher, first flush,                                         pavement catchment & road catchment

  • Mistakes & improvements

Hard Surface
Harvesting water in the ground - Earthworks
  • Eight principles of successful water harvesting 

  • Different types of earthworks: berm & basin, swales and terraces

  • Mistakes and Improvements

Sandbag water reservoir
  •  Construction of sand bags with a floor slab and sump

  •  Construction of ferro cement supportive wall

  •  Plastering & water proofing

Underground reservoir with usable flooring above
  •  Excavation and construction of walls

  •  Construction of concrete beam & ferro cement dome roof 

  •  Air crete filler for flooring

Ferro Cement reservoir
  • Foundation preparation, wiring the mesh & ply wood tying 

  • Dome roof construction

  • Plumbing, plastering  & water proofing

Transforming a standard pool into a biological storage
  • We will construct 2 types of perfected pool wetlands

  • Excavation for wetland liner installation

  • Planting and sourcing aquatic plants from local eco systems

  • Testing & Maintenance + detailed mistakes & improvements

Bio char slow sand filter
  • Pre treatment of very dirty or iron rich water water

  • Making bio char and making of biochar gassier oven

  • Sifting and cleaning stone, sand & biochar                                  

  • Ball valve installation

  • Preparation and setting up of the drums  and plumbing 

  • Testing the flow  & maintenance & mistakes and improvements

Turning filtered water into living elixir
  • Construction your own copper vortex pipe

  • Introduction to flow forms

  • Introduction to magnetism simple DIY water mineralisation

Delivery of pressurised water to all of your taps
  • Municipal bypass valve installation by proffecinal plumber

  • Plumbing of Bio char slow sand filter to the pump 

  • Testing the system

  • Mistakes and improvements

Creating a constructed wetland
  • Container, rock entrance + plumbing of the system

  • Filling the container with the correct aggregate - NO SMELL

  • Aquatic planting, where to source then and how to plant them

  • Irrigation with treated grey water and toilet flushing

  • Siphoning pump & other tech for low lying outlets

Treating sewerage and making biogas
  • Creation of a sewerage treating constructed wetland

  • Installation of ready made biogas digester

  • How to make a low cost septic tank using tires

  • Plumbing of sewerage

  • Priming you  biogas digester for methane production

  • Outlet tank & safely irrigating with treated sewerage

  • Mistakes & improvements

Upcycling - Kitchen and Laundry
  • Building a simple grease trap for passive flow into the garden

  • Trench & earthworks, filling the trench with correct medium

  • Maintenance of the grease trap

Construction of your own food growing machine
  • Sourcing of the drum and container preparation

  • Cutting the drum up and extruding planter pockets with a gas torch

  • Plumbing of your irrigation system for the food grower

  • Creating a worm tower & installing it into the food growing machine 

  • Setting up a automatic gravity flow earthworm tea extractor

  • Planting the plants and the right choices for east, west, north & south

  • Creating a micro green & nursery station for the shade side


10 awesome bonuses to assist you on your eco path. You can read about them here

An Awe Inspiring Self Regenerative Life is awaiting for you
An Awe Inspiring Self Regenerative Life is awaiting for you


Including construction of Food Growing Machine and 10 BONUSES 

constructed wetlands



  • pool conversion - 3 methodS

  • kitchen water to landscape

  • BATH & SHOWER water treatment

  • Sewerage treatment wetland

  • bio gas installation 




  • Harvest

  • 3 DIY Storage & pool conversion

  • filtration

  • Grey & black water treatment

ZERO RISK TO YOU  - Try our Living Eco Home training out for a full 30 days and if it is not right for you, then send us ONE email  for a FULL REFUND

Not yet ready for our online training?  -> Then watch our complimentary Water self sufficiency class
An Awe Inspiring Self Regenerative & Abundant Lifestyle  is awaiting for you - A gift from Nature

$162 for 13 modules

  • Harvest Rain - gutters & ground

  • 3 DIY Storage & pool conversion

  • Slow Sand bio char filtration

  • Grey & black water treatment

  • Bio gas installation + wetland

  • 10 Awesome bonuses


Including construction of Food Growing Machine and 10 BONUSES 

ZERO RISK TO YOU  - Try our Living Eco Home training out for a full 30 days and if it is not right for you, then send us ONE email  for a FULL REFUND

Not yet ready for our online training?  -> Then watch our complimentary Water self sufficiency class
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