We invite you to our guided practical process training, which WILL shift you out of anxiety. Our simple processes which require your commitment will out an end to your pointless actions, emptiness, self hate, hate for life, confusion, drug and alcohol addiction and so on.
You will gain freedom, from all that is standing in the way to LIVING LIFE to its fullest. You will work with the ROOT of your state of being which for the most of us is in endless state of nightmare and apathy. Our senses are paralysed. We are almost dead trying to pretend that we are living, not able to truly LOVE, to experience, like a child, joy of all the small details, to feel and experience nature.
We ignore our sick consciousness, tired and worn out bodies. Yet we believe that somehow we'll gain happiness and colours of life through material possessions, that our in essence that our wealth will save us from ourselves.
In our training you will become free from deception towards yourself allowing you to drop your long lived pain whilst simultaneously filling up all of your relationships with open and truthful feelings
Dropping this pain and broken baggage of programs will bring upon a total rebirth, like awakening to a sunny day full of fresh and freezing air.
In our video course you will learn the following:
how the swing of polarity pendulum forms our feelings, behavioural models and their consequences
how complex social programs form: causal-reactive connections for our thoughts, repeated life scenarios and "self fulfilling prophecies"
how these programs affect the state of our body and form illnesses
how hierarchy affects us and a way out of this rabbit hole
process work and the nitty gritty of consciousness integration
Together with others we will work together online on monthly basis for a duration of 1 year. This will insure that you have the needed support to continue with process work to rewire your brain.
The benefits are that you will live not only your own experience but learn from transformations of others and thus speed up your own rebirth
The difficulty of this type of work is multiplied resistance as you see others in their states. But this on the other hand creates unity with others due to understanding that we all carry absolutely the same pains. This will rapidly accelerate the speed of your own transformation.
Our 3 simple processes will help you to:
drop old broken programs causing your anxiety
see the world without socially programmed lenses
free yourself from the rat race hamster wheel
tear the chains of guilt, shame and self hate
awaken your creativity
unblock your infinite potential frozen by the traditional educational system
so we can open up to multiple symbiotic solutions and pathways leading to joyful, wholesome and abundant state of being.
It's impossible to change the reoccurring life's scenario without understanding the root programs that keep on creating it
Until we start asking the right questions we will never be able to tear the link between: ANXIETY ≠ THE RIGHT ACTIONS (cluster of emotions and thought form)
This will keep us in the trap of repeating chaotic and destructive actions resulting in absurd and destructive circumstances. Even if we think that we have changed something in the trajectory of our actions, in reality we only change separate segments which do not lead to radically different outcome that create a new vector of our life. “freedom from fear of life, guilt, shame, self hate and so on.
Therefore until we see broken programs in their entirety , in order for us to work through them in order to release them, we will only change the “decorations” of our lives, but at the global level we will walk around in circles whilst recreating the same old programs.
" There is only ONE WAY to leave the nightmare of miserable and rotting life. You either realise how much you lie to yourself or not. Reboot from the Root is NOT just another conscious practice. We share the art and essence of deep self observation in order to realise the enormity of denial of your own feelings within your life "
This is a detailed step by step training in which we will work through key programs which create feeling of anxiety, guilt, self hate etc.
The difficulty of this course is in the incredible resistance, whist working with these broken programs. You will need to take responsibility for yourself to do the work on regular basis
If we do take responsibility for our transformation and there is no-one that will keep on pushing us, we will gain much strength for our true rebirthing from a deeply scarred & shaking "animal" into an inspired , joyful creator with it's wings fully spread out.

Even if ones the childhood was terrible and traumatic, due to the result of which they are feeling shameful, pathetic... like everyone are laughing at them all the time, they will still be able to rise from the deepest self abandonment as a result of consciousness integration inner practical work.

How to release oneself from the feeling of anxiety is the most common question with regards to emotional pain. Unfortunately there is no quick answer here for you. There are plenty folk out there promising that getting rid of anxiety can be done in 15 minutes - it is an absolute lie! Anxiety is not a flash of emotion!, but a complex weave of social programs that eroded our entire nervous system. All social programs are directed towards an image of ever hurrying success. This programme scares us with 1 message: "If you are not a fanatically hurrying machine then you will die from a slow, degrading and miserable death of poverty." Our belief in this BS is so strong that we choose a life of slow and torturing death inside a boiling urn of anxiety instead of just realising and releasing this programme.

Whilst starting to do deep inner work at certain point it'll feel like it's impossible to carry on. This happens because the folk that surround us has their consciousness trapped in a net of manipulation. People have a belief that a weak and dependable person will be more needy of manipulations VS sovereign and joyful one. People around us will show resistance, No-one will welcome the new "I" which is at peace, harmonised and free. this is because people feel like they lost their "sense of purpose" as the new "I" is something they can no longer control.

The nature of suffering is generated by the following: all social programs push us towards constant rush. The hurrying in itself births a fear of not meeting expectations, not becoming successful, rich and famous. All of these NO's create a massive feeling of anxiety and guilt. Feeling of guilt equals: self hate & self repulsion & self disgust. Our entire subconsciousness has been formed for the durations of our entire lives with one command: RUN! Therefore deep and difficult inner work with a multitude of these programs, will bring us towards a peaceful and wholesome state and not to a "slow, half asleep lazy bum" like many would like to think. This deep inner silence blossoms with the most interesting ideas and deep multilayered creativity, infinite inspiration and a life full of joy and true abundance

The more we waste out energy on unmeaning chatter, the more we sugar coat our pains and silence what really matters. Let us stop wasting our lives on degrading within the paradigm of fear and slowly integrate our consciousness one step at a time. No matter how slow and deep this inner work may seem, what can be more difficult and turturing than the slow burning death within an inner hell of fear


Zoya has spend many years trying to understand why people carry deep suffering throughout their lives. From her early childhood years she has realised that almost every adult thinks that they needs to play a "double game". Living a miserable life, with incredible tenacity they simultaneously imitate a joyful state. Only when she started to play this same fake role, in her adulthood years, did she link that the obsession to live the successful and happy life is the source of suffering.
Between the following two points of duality:
fear to look towards one's sacral honest feelings and
imitation of fake happiness
we birth a gigantic awful mountain of suffering, which last an entire life.
Only until Zoya understood that even by asking the right questions she could not change anything in her inner state, she started to "archeologically dig" and meticulously unravel the polarity war at the level of neurons. Through many years of deep inner practice she opened up towards the feeling of mindful harmony and peaceful inner state.

Alosha's love for liquid architecture, rivers and indigenous forests set him on a journey around the world learning from ecological masters: practical permaculture, natural building, harvesting and filtration of rain, recycling of waste water as well as growing of organic food.
Alosha's has been doing process work with Zoya for half a year and his role is to share his personal realisations and insights of the internal transformations which he has experienced. The proof has been a clearance from all forms of addictions as well as the miraculous transformations within his relationships to others. Some of them have been deeply healed and others discarded. Zoya can understand and speak basic english and Alosha will assist with the necessary translations.
This path is build upon truth, introspection and ongoing deep inner transformation work

event already hapenned, next one TBC
In our practical inner transformation training you will:
work through your early traumas, phobias and fears:
fears from childhood
emotional traumas
hiccups and stuttering
various forms of panic attacks
fit of anger
realise every day continuous panic attacks as deeply engraved self hate and guilt
drop anxiety and awaken to your divine joyful and peaceful state
see the world without socially programmed lenses
free yourself from the rat race hamster wheel
experience a full rebirth of your brain
connect to your true love as a co creator and experience warm relationship
experience freedom from:
anxiety, guilt, self hate and self beating
thirst of malevolence towards superiority
opening up to your flourishing creative abundance
thus experience natural joy of engaging in communal creative work
creative cooking
permaculture in action
healing arts (please bring paints , pencils and other art supplies)
Location: the training will happen at Bio Veda head quarters in Johannesburg, South Africa
Duration: 5 full days. You will also have a 50% discount to our Skype Group AND OUR VIDEO ONLINE CLASS (it is a 2 - 3 hour once a week session for 12 weeks).
When: TBC
Food: We will provide all the healthy ingredients and together we will make the meals as a creative process
Accommodation: Accommodation is included. We will provide beds, bedding and mosquito nets.
Visas: we will provide the invitation letters if need be.
Investment: $1000 per person.
3 month Skype group sessions to support your transformation
Together with others we will work together online on weekly basis for a duration of 3 months. This will insure that you have the needed support to continue with process work to rewire your brain.
The benefits are that you will live not only your own experience but learn from transformations of others and thus speed up your own rebirth
The difficulty of this type of work is multiplied resistance as you see others in their states. But this on the other hand creates unity with others due to understanding that we all carry absolutely the same pains. This will rapidly accelerate the speed of your own transformation.
When: starting in October 2020.
Duration: 12 weeks, 3 hours per session
All sessions will be recorded and you will receive the copies, thereafter
Price $1000 for 3 months, $333 paid monthly

I am torn between a feeling of schmuckness "For the first time in a long time I have acquired overflowing joy and the wish to simply live. My friends tell me that I my appearance has changed. I have gained much strength. Thank you Zoya." - Natalia Moiseenko

Thank you Zoya, ooh how I look forward towards communication with other conscious people. Something new and unheard of is happening to me... I'd love to check in with others who have gone through this path, what I am going through is normal. I am still learning from your free webinar. Your words have opened up a deep rotting wound, most painful place... for 10 years I have been back and forth running around between conscious practices, teachers, systems, religions etc... I am trying to find myself. It's all very painful, suffocating and fearful. It feels like my head has been cut off with a guillotine, placed inside a glass sphere and placed on my shoulders being completely separated from my heart. I am looking forward to your full Consciousness Integration masterclass for my deeper healing