Here's what you need to provide as a Workshop Host:
Assistance with marketing so we get at least 20 students. Workshop promotion on your website/social media channels (if applicable).
Quality photographs of the building site, accommodations, and local attractions to the Bio-Veda team for the publication of promotional material.
Affordable accommodation nearby or camping space for students with showers on-site and shade space to relax (if available)
Information about accommodations available near the site - Airbnb, rentals, etc.
Handling of all payments for participants’ accommodations and meals. If Bio Veda manages payments for accommodations and meals, Bio Veda charges the host a 10% handling fee.
Three hearty meals a day. We prefer a healthy diet, mainly vegetarian, with the occasional meat or fish dish, plenty of fruit and refreshments each day.
Plenty of good quality drinking water for all participants (20-30 people) people.
Hot showers, with enough hot water for everyone. Except in an extremely hot climate.
At least two toilets, port-o-potties, or composting toilets near the building site.
Confirmation that all necessary ‘non-Bio Veda’ tools are on-site 1 week prior to the start of the workshop (confirmation sheets provided by Bio Veda).
Confirmation that all materials are on-site (excluding cement) 1 week prior to the start of the workshop (confirmation sheets provided by Bio Veda).
Download and fill out the following Excel files, and email to alosha {[AT]} one month prior to the start of the workshop
The dome build site must be cleared with room for 30-35 people to work comfortably and safely.
Electricity for tools on the job site - grid power or a 5,000-watt generator with plenty of fuel. At least 3 - 25’ - 14 gauge extension cords with multiple outlets.
A source of running water.
Covered area with chairs/benches and tables for all participants (30-35 people).
Weather protection for the worksite.
A vehicle and someone to run errands if we need materials, tools, food, etc.
A concrete mixer with one operator to mix superadobe
Transportation for participants between the site and their accommodations, if need be.
Any necessary building permits and insurance.
Private accommodations, transport, and meals for Bio Veda instructor
A first aid kit and transportation to the local medical facility in case of any emergency.
Necessary coordination and communication with the Bio Veda team before, during, and after the workshop.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Bio Veda has the discretion to appropriate a fee in the event that all the necessary tools and materials are not on site before the beginning of the workshop or any other responsibilities are not fulfilled by the host. In such a case, a portion of the deposit or the full deposit will be withheld if the host fails to fulfill their responsibilities (listed above).
If applicable, 50% of the money collected through Bio Veda for meals and accommodations will be paid 1 week before the workshop directly to the providers of meals and accommodations.
The host pays for any fees related to transferring funds.
Cost and payment schedule
The Workshop Host pays $3000 deposit to confirm the workshop dates.
Up to $3000 is refunded to the host at the completion of the workshop based on a 1-10 final evaluation rating of how well the host fulfills their responsibilities (site preparation, participant accommodations and meals, etc) (eg. Host receives a 9 out of 10 scores, they receive $2,700).
The full deposit is refunded immediately if Bio Veda cancels the workshop.
The host provides all necessary non-Bio Veda tools and materials – as outlined in the tools and materials list.
The host receives free workshop attendance for 2 people (not including the host)
The host receives an AirCrete and Super Adobe Dome
Additional Notes:
We do our best to complete the basic AirCrete and Sandbag dome during the workshop. However, there is no guarantee of completion. Unexpected obstacles like weather conditions, for example, may prevent the dome’s completion. The final dome may not include the finished windows, doors, flooring, plumbing or electrical fixtures. The host is responsible for finishing the dome. Bio Veda will provide video guidance after the workshop to ensure the successful completion of both domes.