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In our self study online comprehensive training you will practically learn, (step-by-step from start-to-finish), how to build Bio Shelter organisms which mimic natures genius by expressing permaculture eco systemic design. These homes neutralise the harmful effects of Electro Magnetic Radiation as well as 5G (emr protection in development stage) by implementing the design language of Bio Geometry as well as Orgon Energy accumulators to the natural building materials.


These solar passive designed homes interact with Sun, Shade, Wind and harvest Rain and snow then Store it in DIY discreet, robust and super affordable water Reservoirs, then Purify it with DIY Biochar Filter & REcycle all of its own Waste Water 7x times for garden irrigation, flushing of loos as well as Bio Gas production !!!


Learn in comfort, wherever you are, how to :

build 2 types of dome homes from foundation all the way to skylight, Air Crete and a Super Adobe Dome. Includes intensive theory on: designing your home on graph paper + various climates, fengshui, bio geometry,  tensile forces, plumbing etc.


In 2020 we will be building and recording an eco vault with a geodesic

glass green house. This will be a more traditional rectangular structure but

designed according to sacred geometrical proportions. Geodesic green 

house will transform this vault into low cost Earthship

easily build beautiful curvilinear permaculture terraces which turn your garden into a sponge. From parking bays to tree benches. We will also construct a 54 metre curvilinear wall with water / recycling holding spaces.

build an alternative low cost gutter systems + simple permaculture earthworks that impregnate and store water in the ground. You will also learn how to build a simple leaf and dust catcher

build 3 types of water tanks: Ferro Cement 6000L + Sandbag 16000L + underground 40000L water reservoir underneath a dome home + build constructed wetland to transform chlorine pool into an eco pond

create 3 types of constructed wetlands which will take care of all your waste water. We will install (not make) a biogas digester which will make flammable methane with yet another constructed wetland to treat sewerage.

build your own DIY Bio Char filter & Bio Char from start to finish, which will treat city rain / borehole water at a rate of 300 litres per day. You will also learn how to pressurise it to your home and how to bring life to your water


about your trainer


Alosha Lynov of Bio-Veda Academy  was born in Uzbekistan and grew up in Russia and South Africa.


He is a Visionary Inventor, international edutainer and a master builder of Bio Geometrical, Awe Inspiring, Functionally Self Sustaining and Regenerative Eco Tech as well as Living habitats.


For 16 years he has transformed square venues into curvilinear nurturing spaces with his event decor company, 3D-Deco 


Alosha's love for liquid architecture, our rivers and indigenous forests took him on a journey around the world learning practical permaculture wisdom as well as EMR & Geopathic stress protection from masters like Geoff Lawton, Mike Reynolds, John Todd, John Jeavons, Ibrahim Karim, Nader Khalili, Hajjar Gibran as well as many others.


After attending these live workshops, he practically experimented and build all the learned wisdom on his farm and urban homestead in South Africa. Alosha has ran multiple workshops all over the world teaching Water Self Sufficiency and Eco Home construction. Making countless expensive mistakes, over last 12 years, assisted him to perfect nature inspired water ecosystems and eco homes.


His approach of learning, teaching, designing and building allowed him to record , organise and upload Bio-Veda's Living Eco Home Masterclass which will practically assist any novice to build an Off-Grid-Eco Shelter, without banks' generous hand or to create full Water Self Sufficiency around a standard home.


TO PURCHASE OUR TRAINING:  (1) make a payment with PayPal to ->  (2) email proof to -> (3) we'll sign you up within 24 hours


ZERO RISK TO YOU  - Try our Living Eco Home training out, for 30 days, 

and if it is not right for you, then send us ONE email  for a FULL REFUND

"my mind is opening to all the incredible applications"

I have enjoyed every minute of the education presented in these courses. More importantly, my mind is opening to all the incredible applications in and around my home and community.  I can’t wait to see my wetlands and gardens flourishing with abundance. I’m so grateful to witness simple solutions I can implement. I see conquest of the challenges we all face as we make a better home for our families. 

I also shared your videos with my 9 year old and 4th grade students here in Utah in the United States. I have never seen them so excited. They were researching and talking about permaculture, aquaponics, kombucha, and the incredibly beautiful design work of Gaudi. So much fun and so inspiring.   I look forward to be seeing the future they create. Thank you, Alosha, for planting a visionary seed in the minds of our children. I am so excited to try the methods you have shown here.


Derrell Humphries 

"Your course is Awesome"

Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into it! I am also grateful for showing the mistakes you made in the videos as they are also great for learning. I am in the process of starting the wetland section in the water course, and am very much looking forward to learning the techniques, plants, and processes you are using. 


Please know that even if there is a slow start to your dream you have changed our lives, and if you can do that with at least one person it is worth it, because in time another person will see the value. And perhaps the seed needs to wait before germinating.


Thank you for all of your work and the classes. What you are doing is really important. 

In gratitude, Shawn and Renae

" I found it to be impressively thorough and , at times , downright entertaining"

I am still in the midst of the training. I have greatly enjoyed it thus far and plan to continue working through the material. I have been so inspired by this course i am now planning for a future career move to contract and build eco homes in my region.!!  Eventually would like to have several of these homes and run them as rentals.  I am obsessed with the working of the land , growing food , and that.  But i also want to be a landlord and provide safe and healing homes  for people. 

I consider myself a 3rd-gen permaculturist. I am 31 year old female and live in New Orleans , Louisiana , USA.

"I love your tutorials.  It is worth every dime tenfold!"

I own 50 acres in upstate South Carolina on a dead end culdesac Rd.  I am blessed to have creeks and swamps, forests, and fields on my property.  I plan to build as many eco dome homes as the rules of man will let me by utilising all the wonderful skills and knowlege you have so amazingly shared.  Thank you so much.

Rober Dillard - USA

"I am saving 2500 Litres per week"

After I finished this grey water wetland eco system using Alosha's online training course, I have about 2500 Litres extra  to use every week in the garden.

Jp - Johannesburg

"By watching the videos on your course, I feel as if I have been there in person"

As an online student of your, first of all I would like to thank you for the fabulous course - the sharing of all your videos, the ideas that work, the mistakes, the failure etc. By watching the videos on your course, I feel as if I have been there in person doing the course and this had boost my confidence to such a level that I could dream of building my own dome house.


To cut the story short, last September an opportunity came my way to purchase a land. I started to build a dome house in that land with effect from 19th November 2018. The dome house is under construction and I am attaching herewith the today's photos and videos of the construction. Once complete this may be the first residential dome house in India.


Being in India, you know, there are a lot of disadvantages. Even though I am very much interested to build an aircrete or a super adobe dome, I found out that it is very very difficult (impossible, you may say) to get materials for the same.


In the end, I have to make a compromise. I thought let me see if I can build the dome house using materials and resources that are available locally. With that in mind, I went to the village, where my land is, and select a team of skilled and unskilled labourers (daily wages) and started. I am using AAC blocks to build the dome house, which are similar to aircrete blocks and very light weight.

Since 19th November 2018, I am been thinking of writing to you, but then I thought that when I have a problem, I will write. But till date, the construction is going smoothly. Today after me and a friend filmed the construction using his drone camera, I feel that I should not wait any longer and should share this with you.

Pearlet Toi - India


Here is what our students say about our Living Eco Home Masterclass

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